Monday 28 December 2009

Healthy Estonian Food Day.

On 16th December we made our final preperations for the healthy foods day.

On 22th December we had the healthy Estonian food day, where the students could learn about eating healthy foods.

The day started with Anne Kersna lecturing forms 4.-9. . At the beginning of the lecture she introduced a book titled Estonian Food. We found out a lot of interesting stories about food customs, food ingredients, their origin and healthyness. At the end of the lecture students could show what they had learned at the lecture. The day continued with preparing the dishes. Students made traditional Estonian dishes, served them in the school canteen and decorated their recipes. The judges evaluated how the dishes were served, how the food tasted and how well the recipes were decorated. The best cooks were forms 5, 7b and 7a students, whose dishes tasted delicious and were beautifully served.

There were also special prizes given out:

6b - the school cook added their food to the school canteen menu.

8 - best homemade food.

9 - simple and traditional.

6a - the most Christmass-like food.

The project team has to decide next year, which Estonian dish we are going to present to our project partners to taste.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Project meeting and Citizen Day.

On 25th November we had a project meeting. We made conclusions about our trip to Ireland and divided the tasks for the tomorrow's presentation. Our newest task is to prepare healthy and traditional food. We are going to make a proposal for the school to hold an Estonian food day.

On 26th November the school celebrated the Citizen Day. The citizen week's main topic was the European Union. On the same day we shared our experiences with the school about Ireland. Every student that was on the trip talked about one day in Ireland. Teacher Meeli Jänes presented some pictures we took in Ireland.

On 3rd December we had another project meeting.

*we made preparations for the Estonian food day. On 22th December every class will prepare a healthy and traditional Estonian food. There will also be a lecture about healthy eating. Evita and Gladis drew an info poster.

*the boys and the teachers updated our school board with pictures taken in Ireland.

*teacher Meeli was already preparing our next project meeting, organizing the trip to Spain.